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World Receiver
by   Tetsu Inoue
Inter Link
Sample  (99K mpeg)
Health Loop
Elevator Drops
Background Story
Sample  (142K mpeg)
Invitable Colour
Mood Swing
Sample  (72K mpeg)
World Receiver
This seems to be mr. Inoue's first major release on a label other than FAX. However: (1) there's lots I don't know about; (2) FAX isn't a 'major' release label either :) , and; (3) Instinct and FAX have it goin' on behind the scenes anyway, so who can really tell these days? I sure can't, and I'm sorta immersed in this scene. Notwithstanding, this album has grown on me quite significantly since I first heard it. Primarily global environmental snippets wrapped in a thin coating of electronic filament - another one of those albums that owes a grebt of daditude to W. Carlos. It really settles in very nicely around the middle, and loops very succinctly on infinite overnight repeat. The first track is also included on the Distill compliation. The album itself is extremely domestic and frighteningly locatable.
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