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Ambient 4: On Land
by   Brian Eno
Lizard Point
The Lost Day
Sample  (134K mpeg)
Tal Coat
Lantern Marsh
Unfamiliar Wind (Leeks Hills)
Sample  (94K mpeg)
A Clearing
Dunwich Beach, Autumn 1960
Sample  (96K mpeg)
Ambient 4:  On Land
You know, I really don't know where mr. Eno's head is sometimes. I mean, this album... it's just... it's just freaky and Earthy at the same time. Yeah... freaky, but in an obscenely mellow way... and it's really Earthy, in a cybernetic sort of way. It goes without saying that it was complete and total innovation on his part. Eno is God. Never mind me. Just check it out and hunt it down.
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