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Under New Manna
by   Kent Sparling
Pulling On A Line
Kelvin Balance
White Cloud Radio
Sample  (142K mpeg)
Weren't Long
In A Mumbling Sky
Sample  (118K mpeg)
Sample  (92K mpeg)
Edge Band
Under New Manna
Mr. Sparling was kind enough to send me a copy of a few of his works. This is the one that most caught my interest. Throughout, it demonstrates his grasp of hynotic lull technique. It's that calm drawing of sound backwards, or effortlessly deflecting it off to the side. His library of natural effects is also quite impressive, and it's them and them alone which keep his soundscapes from dissipating off into deep space. The tracks are so easy to listen to, again and again -- cozy, comfortable. I believe that his albums are available through various ambient music sites, so a Google search would serve you well.
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