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Eisgang / Dammerattacke
by   Asmus Tietchens
Nahezu unbewegt
Sample  (118K mpeg)
Rasch und Mashig bewegt
Mashig bewegt
Zweite Dammerattacke
Sample  (162K mpeg)
Erster Nachtshatten
Zweiter Nachtshatten
Dritter Nachtshatten
Sample  (117K mpeg)
Eisgang / Dammerattacke
A pair of mr. Tietchens' albums packed together in a hard plastic sheath. Both of them seem to have been crafted in similar methods. First, I believe he must have spent considerable time assembly various sheet of metal. That done, he showed them some classic science fiction films from the mid-50s, got them real drunk, and then rubbed them down with ashes. The results so recorded, he rushed them home, and in the process, dropped them into a bucket full of ladybugs and carpet tacks. I swear, it's a very distinct series of events I've got visualized here -- sorry if it's difficult to communicate. Here's an unrelated graphical representation. I have a feeling that mr. Tietchens' work is pretty obtainable, if you are so inclined..
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